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after update the root-FS and Kernel NFS errors appear at startup
Added by Christian Rückl about 12 years ago
I updated the Root-File-System on my module with the Base-FS out of the latest MDK (2012-08-10). I copied also the kernel from the new MDK\images on the modul.
Now I get the following Errors during the startup sequence:
- Failed to mount /sys/kernel/security: No such file or directory
- svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97)
- Failed to start LSB: Kernel NFS server support [FAILED]
The mainproblem is, I cannot use the Ethernetinterface after linux is started.
Do anybody know what's going there wrong?
Replies (2)
RE: after update the root-FS and Kernel NFS errors appear at startup - Added by Christian Rückl about 12 years ago
To give you more inforamtion about the startup sequence I add the whole log-file of it.
Can it be that there is something wrong with the delivered kernel-image in the MDK? Maybe the networkconfiguration.....
RE: after update the root-FS and Kernel NFS errors appear at startup - Added by Michael Williamson about 12 years ago
The most recent filesystem involved transitioning from Anstrom 2008 to Angstrom 2012.05, which also migrated from the well understood SysVinit scripts to systemd. When we built up the reference filesystems, we failed to enable the networking service by default. We intend to correct this in the next release (coming soon).
There is a wiki page that talks a bit about systemd, and google should help you as well, but here is a quick set of instructions (from memory, so you may need to fix typos here)...
- Remove the file /lib/systemd/system/networking.service (which should be pointing to /dev/null).
- replace the file with something like:
[Unit] Description=Setup Networking Before=getty@tty1.service display-manager.service app.service After=dev-tty1.device [Service] ExecStart=-/etc/init.d/networking start Type=oneshot
- link it in the multiuser folder
cd /lib/systemd/system/multi-user-target.wants/ ln -s ../networking.service networking.service
- reboot
Very sorry for the inconvenience.