


Can't extract release 2011-03

Added by Brian Rasmussen over 13 years ago


I'm not able to extract the latest board support package release.

I have downloaded the "" file, it decompress as expected with no errors and then shows the user licence. If I then use the space key to get down to the end of the License Agreement, I get the question if I accept the license ("... [Y/N]).

If I press the 'Y' (or 'y') key, I get the following error:
[: 35: y: unexpected operator

What should I press instead of 'Y'?

Best regards.

Replies (2)

RE: Can't extract release 2011-03 - Added by Michael Williamson over 13 years ago

Hi Brian,

The .run file is really just a shell script. Turns out that it is calling out "/bin/sh" to run the script which self extracts, however it appears that it may require "/bin/bash" to operate correctly. I suspect that you may have "/bin/sh" linked to "/bin/dash" on your linux machine, which is typical for a recent Ubuntu distribution. Could you please confirm with "ls -l /bin/sh"? If that is the case, you can work around the problem by:

  1. Making "/bin/sh" point to "/bin/bash" (at least for the extraction period) by the following.
    [mitydsp@mitydsp:~ ] sudo rm /bin/sh
    [mitydsp@mitydsp:~ ] sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
  2. editing the .run file and replacing /bin/sh one the first line with /bin/bash. This might be a little dicey given the size of the file.
  3. Run the following commands to create a new installer that runs /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh.

[updated] - numbers 2 and 3 originally posted won't work as the file, that is running, is part of the compressed image.

In order to use openembedded, most folks end up doing number 1, above, as the bitbake scripts require /bin/sh to run with /bin/bash. (this was also why we didn't catch this bug here, our build machines all have number 1 applied to support building the root filesystem using openembedded).


RE: Can't extract release 2011-03 - Added by Brian Rasmussen over 13 years ago

Hi Mike

Thanks for your quick reply. I will try it out.


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