


Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel

Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

problem description:
no eth0 data begin transmitted on tx0 or tx1 lines, running with rmii2 configuration.
mac_control loopback not working.
ifconfig stats for eth0: showing tx counter incrementing, all other counters are zero.

  • AM335XPSP_04.06.00.02 git working branch
    - attached is git patch
    - no changes to kernel's .config file.

---------------------- U-boot output showing Ethernet working with ping dhcp ---------------------
U-Boot# dhcp
phy name cpsw addr 1
phy name cpsw addr 2
link up on slave num 0 phy port 1, speed 100, full duplex gmii_sel 0xf5 sma2 0x0
sliver 0x4a100dc4 val 0x18021
link up on slave num 1 phy port 2, speed 100, full duplex gmii_sel 0xf5 sma2 0x0
sliver 0x4a100d84 val 0x18021
- BOOTP broadcast 1
DHCP client bound to address
U-Boot# ping
phy name cpsw addr 1
phy name cpsw addr 2
link up on slave num 0 phy port 1, speed 100, full duplex gmii_sel 0xf5 sma2 0x0
sliver 0x4a100dc4 val 0x18021
link up on slave num 1 phy port 2, speed 100, full duplex gmii_sel 0xf5 sma2 0x0
sliver 0x4a100d84 val 0x18021
Using cpsw device
host is alive

U-Boot# printenv ipaddr

U-Boot# ping
phy name cpsw addr 1
phy name cpsw addr 2
link up on slave num 0 phy port 1, speed 100, full duplex gmii_sel 0xf5 sma2 0x0
sliver 0x4a100dc4 val 0x18021
link up on slave num 1 phy port 2, speed 100, full duplex gmii_sel 0xf5 sma2 0x0
sliver 0x4a100d84 val 0x18021
Using cpsw device
host is alive

Replies (44)

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

on the board is a pic that is connected to /dev/ttyACM0

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago

Yes, but you had suggested I test this on our devkit which we don't have such a pic.

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

ok we are know on the same page. let me see what i can come up with.

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Michael Williamson almost 11 years ago

I would recommend that you guys sync up on your .config files for the kernel builds as well.


RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

the only change was the usb cdc device. attach is our .config file

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago


I compiled the 3.2 kernel for your board. The networking seems to be working for me (see below). Also the usb_test didn't break but it is reporting some errors. Did you see this when you tried it?

arm login: root
Last login: Sat Jan  1 00:00:23 UTC 2000 on ttyO0
Linux arm 3.2.0-00030-g1f98a91 #6 Tue Oct 29 11:25:39 EDT 2013 armv7l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
root@arm:~# ls /dev/ttyACM0
root@arm:~# ifconfig
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root@arm:~# ifconfig eth0 up
[  150.793975] PHY 0:01 not found
[  150.797546]
[  150.797546] CPSW phy found : id is : 0x7c0f1
root@arm:~# dhcliente[  153.794342] PHY: 0:00 - Link is Up - 100/Full                                            eth0
root@arm:~# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 90:59:af:6d:b1:32
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:32 errors:0 dropped:2 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:3304 (3.2 KiB)  TX bytes:342 (342.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root@arm:~# ls
1  board_test  cdc-acm.ko  hello2  musb-reset.c  tmp  usbreset  work
root@arm:~# cd board_test/
root@arm:~/board_test# ls
Debug       ethernet     getIp     getIp4        serial.c
Makefile    ethernet.c   getIp.c   getIp4.c      usb_test
Makefile~   ethernet2    getIp3    musb-reset.c  usb_test.c
Rules.make  ethernet2.c  getIp3.c  serial        usb_test.c.old
root@arm:~/board_test# ./usb_test /dev/ttyACM0
port is open.
Loop cnt 1
Wrote data bytes size 11
read correct num of bytes 11
compare - good data
Wrote data bytes size 107
read correct num of bytes 107
compare - Error index 106 data is: 0  should be:35
Wrote data bytes size 593
read correct num of bytes 593
compare - Error index 592 data is: 0  should be:1f
Loop cnt 2
Wrote data bytes size 11
read correct num of bytes 11
compare - good data
Wrote data bytes size 107
read correct num of bytes 107
compare - Error index 106 data is: 0  should be:35
Wrote data bytes size 593
read correct num of bytes 593
compare - Error index 592 data is: 0  should be:1f
Loop cnt 3
Wrote data bytes size 11
read correct num of bytes 11
compare - good data
Wrote data bytes size 107
read correct num of bytes 107
compare - Error index 106 data is: 0  should be:35
Wrote data bytes size 593
read correct num of bytes 593
compare - Error index 592 data is: 0  should be:1f
Loop cnt 4
Wrote data bytes size 11
read correct num of bytes 11
compare - good data
Wrote data bytes size 107
read correct num of bytes 107
compare - Error index 106 data is: 0  should be:35
Wrote data bytes size 593
read correct num of bytes 593
compare - Error index 592 data is: 0  should be:1f
Loop cnt 5
Wrote data bytes size 11
read correct num of bytes 11
compare - good data
Wrote data bytes size 107
read correct num of bytes 107
compare - Error index 106 data is: 0  should be:35
Wrote data bytes size 593
read correct num of bytes 593
compare - Error index 592 data is: 0  should be:1f
Loop cnt 6
Wrote data bytes size 11
read correct num of bytes 11
compare - good data
Wrote data bytes size 107
read correct num of bytes 107
compare - Error index 106 data is: 0  should be:35
Wrote data bytes size 593
read correct num of bytes 593
compare - Error index 592 data is: 0  should be:1f
Loop cnt 7
Wrote data bytes size 11
read correct num of bytes 11
compare - good data
Wrote data bytes size 107
read correct num of bytes 107
compare - Error index 106 data is: 0  should be:35
Wrote data bytes size 593
read correct num of bytes 593
compare - Error index 592 data is: 0  should be:1f
Loop cnt 8
Wrote data bytes size 11
read correct num of bytes 11
compare - good data
Wrote data bytes size 107
read correct num of bytes 107
compare - Error index 106 data is: 0  should be:35
Wrote data bytes size 593
read correct num of bytes 593
compare - Error index 592 data is: 0  should be:1f

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

great, how did you test the ethernet?

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago

I brought it up with
  1. ifconfig eth0 up
  2. dhclient eth0

and then scp'd the kernel uImage file

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

which git tag do you use?

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

the error index are expected, no i/o (sign) attach

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago

I based it off the mityarm-linux-v3.2 branch but also tested it using the cl_v3.2_AM335XPSP_04.06.00.07 tag that you mentioned and got the same results. I would highly recommend using the mityarm-linux-v3.2 branch though as there have been some changes since the tag that are for the som you are using.

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago

Here is my version of your patch which was applied to the head of the mityarm-linux-v3.2 branch.


Attached again with proper extension.

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago

I'm fairly certain the only difference with my patch is it doesn't mess up all the whitespace and so should cleanly apply to the branch.

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

thanks work great, but two questions:

1) why is the rmii2 pin mux being called from the baseboard_setup_can()?
2) baseboard_setup_enet is calling rgmii2 pin mux config?

i'm commented out the code in baseboard_setup_enet and inserted rmii2 pin config and removed rmii2 for baseboard_setup_can.
the ethernet stop working

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago

Interesting, I tried fixing my typo and it breaks ethernet....

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago


I found the issue. There was a pin in conflict. The mmc2_wl12xx_init() was using one of the pins your rmii pin mux was using.

I've attached the original patch with my typo fixed. And a patch that disables some extra peripherals that you aren't using. This happens to clean up the omap_i2c omap_i2c.1: controller timed out message that was stalling boot for 6 seconds as well so now your system boots much faster. Go through each of the peripherals I disabled to make sure you don't use them.

You should be able to apply the patches to a fresh mityarm-linux-v3.2 checkout using the git am <patch dir>/00*.patch command.

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago

Also this is unrelated but your /etc/fstab file was corrupted on the sd card you sent to us and was throwing a few errors on boot.

root@arm:~/board_test# cat /etc/fstab
/dev/mmcblk0p2Â| Â|  /Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â|  autoÂ| Â|  errors=remount-rroÂ| Â|  0Â| Â|  1
/dev/mmcblk0p1Â| Â|  /boot/uboot autoÂ| Â|  defaultsÂ| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| Â| ÂÂ| Â|  0Â| Â|  0

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by dan mcgee almost 11 years ago

thanks for the support great job. yes fstab need to be fixed along with omap-i2c timeout.

RE: Ethernet RMII2 working in u-boot, but not kernel - Added by Jonathan Cormier almost 11 years ago


I noticed while working on your board that you are using debian as your root filesystem. Could you point me to where you got the base filesystem? Or any pointers on getting this to work?

I've found a helpful tutorial for the beaglebone that might prove useful.

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