


Initial Bringup

Build firmware

Instructions based on Intel's:

All these commands expect you to work out of the same top level directory. For example: ~/projects/agelix-5/firmware

export TOP_FOLDER=`pwd`

Install dependencies

Intel ran this on Ubuntu 20.02

sudo apt install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc build-essential chrpath \
socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping \
python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev pylint3 xterm python3-subunit \
mesa-common-dev zstd liblz4-tool

Fetching the ARM Tool chain

tar xf gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz

Set your env to use the toolchain

export PATH=`pwd`/gcc-arm-11.2-2022.02-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin:$PATH
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu-

Building the ARM Trusted Firmware

NOTE: Please apply the following patch to switch the console to UART1:

rm -rf arm-trusted-firmware
git clone -b socfpga_agilex5-ES_RC arm-trusted-firmware
cd arm-trusted-firmware
git apply commit-dadfc1a
make -j 48 PLAT=agilex5 bl31 
cd ..

Output: $TOP_FOLDER/arm-trusted-firmware/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin (to used for u-boot.itb generation)

Building U-Boot

rm -rf u-boot-socfpga 
git clone -b socfpga_agilex5-ES_RC
cd u-boot-socfpga 
make mrproper 
make socfpga_agilex5_defconfig 
# link to ATF 
ln -s ../arm-trusted-firmware/build/agilex5/release/bl31.bin 
make -j 48 
aarch64-none-linux-gnu-objcopy  -I binary -O ihex --change-addresses 0x0 spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin spl/u-boot-spl.ihex

Building FPGA Project

Build the FPGA project as usual, qsys top level is called mitysbc_a5e.qsys. Build with Quartus 23.4.

Build the HPS SOF

  • U-Boot is already built
  • FPGA project is already built
  • Copy the $TOP_FOLDER/u-boot-socfpga/spl/u-boot-spl.ihex into your top level FPGA project
    quartus_pfg -c output_files/mitysbc_a5e.sof mitysbc_a5e_hps.sof -o hps_path=u-boot-spl.ihex

Output: mitysbc_a5e_hps.sof

Building The kernel

rm -rf linux-socfpga
git clone -b socfpga_agilex5-ES_RC linux-socfpga 
cd linux-socfpga 
make defconfig 
make -j 48 Image && make intel/socfpga_agilex5_socdk.dtb 

Building Yocto

rm -rf yocto && mkdir yocto && cd yocto
git clone -b nanbield
git clone -b socfpga_agilex5-ES_RC
git clone -b nanbield
source poky/oe-init-build-env ./build 
echo 'BBLAYERS += " ${TOPDIR}/../meta-intel-fpga "' >> conf/bblayers.conf 
echo 'BBLAYERS += " ${TOPDIR}/../meta-openembedded/meta-oe "' >> conf/bblayers.conf 
echo 'BBLAYERS += " ${TOPDIR}/../meta-openembedded/meta-networking "' >> conf/bblayers.conf 
echo 'MACHINE = "agilex5"' >> conf/local.conf 
echo 'KERNEL_PROVIDER="linux-socfpga-lts"' >> conf/local.conf 
echo 'EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += " package-management "' >> conf/local.conf 
echo 'CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += " iperf3 phytool i2c-tools"' >> conf/local.conf 
echo "KBRANCH = \"socfpga_agilex5-ES_RC\"" >> conf/site.conf
echo "UBOOT_BRANCH = \"socfpga_agilex5-ES_RC\"" >> conf/site.conf
echo "ATF_BRANCH = \"socfpga_agilex5-ES_RC\"" >> conf/site.conf
bitbake core-image-minimal 

Make SD Card

Followed Intel's instructions but needed to make rootfs bigger because I used the full-cmdline rootfs so run the following instead at the end.

sudo python3 -f -P fatfs/*,num=1,format=fat32,size=53M -P rootfs/*,num=2,format=ext3,size=512M -s 1024M -n sdcard.img

Booting the Board

  1. Make sure the USB cable is connected to J21 for the UART console, baud rate should be 115200
  2. Make sure the SD is in and the jumper J20 is on the 2 pins closest to the SOC
  3. Program the FPGA with mitysbc_a5e_hps.sof over JTAG
  4. When the board gets to the u-boot prompt enter the following to boot linux
    fatload mmc 0:1 82000000 Image
    fatload mmc 0:1 86000000 socfpga_agilex5_socdk.dtb
    setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=${mmcroot} rw rootwait;
    booti 0x82000000 - 0x86000000

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