


Development Board Schematics and Revision Information

Links to the Development Kit board schematics are included below. Board revisions are included in the part number "dash" number. E.g., 80-001748RC-1 would be a "dash one" or first revision of the board.

Warning : Critical Link is considering a connector / mounting hole change in future variants of the MitySOM-A5. Please Contact Critical Link if starting a new design.

Board Part Number Link to Schematics Rework Notes / Known Issues PCN
80-001748RC-1 80-001748RI-1RevA_SCH.PDF 1. pullup resistors changed on SD-card level translater to 500 Ohms.
2. U6 Pin 1 disconnected from 1.8V and grounded.
3. +5V Supply Underdesigned (larger current capacity needed)
80-001748RC-2 (Preliminary) 80-001748RI-2RevA_SCH_PRELIMINARY.PDF This is a PRELIMINARY schematic. N/A

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