


Missing Angstrom Packages

Added by Joe Bauman over 11 years ago

Good Morning -

Has anyone had any luck getting "missing" Angstrom packages installed when using the 2012-08-10 MDK? The two examples I've been looking for are sudo and ntp:

root@mityomapl138:/home/user# opkg install sudo
Unknown package 'sudo'.
Collected errors: * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package sudo.

I've run opkg update - it succeeds except for one source:

opkg_download: Failed to download, wget returned 1.

I've found some suggestions for downloading the packages and installing them manually, but that gets pretty tedious with the dependencies. Short of going out for an updated/independent Angstrom release, is there anything I am missing? I noticed that there is a new MDK release (2013-05-15) - any improvements there?

Thanks much,


Replies (4)

RE: Missing Angstrom Packages - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 11 years ago


This seems to be a problem with the latests Angstrom repos. I was able to find a forum post related to this.!topic/beagleboard/bsiWha74mc8

Download the ipk from Architecture: armv5te

I was able to proceed by downloading the following packages:
wget pam-plugin-userdb_1.1.1-r2.6_armv5te.ipk

Then running:
opkg install sudo_1.7.2p1-r3.5_armv5te.ipk libpam-meta_1.1.1-r2.6_armv5te.ipk pam-plugin-userdb_1.1.1-r2.6_armv5te.ipk

RE: Missing Angstrom Packages - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 11 years ago

I was using the latest MDK filesystem but I suspect it will work the same for your version.


RE: Missing Angstrom Packages - Added by Joe Bauman over 11 years ago

Thanks Jonathan -

That worked just fine - I started down that path but didn't get the right combination of packages. One of the PAM ipk's triggered about 24 additional package downloads and it installed just fine.

Also got NTP installed - had to manually grab packages for libc6, libgcc1_linaro, ntp-systemd, ntp-tickadj, ntp, ntpdate. For some reason eth0 isn't being brought up at boot so it isn't able to get the correct time - but that's another issue.



RE: Missing Angstrom Packages - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 11 years ago

Good to know.

As far as eth0 not coming up some things to look at:
  • Make sure that ip=dhcp was passed to kernel on bootargs
  • Make sure /etc/init.d/networking is started on startup. Mine is symlinked in /etc/rcS.d.
    #ls /etc/rcS.d/
    S01psplash     S40networking  S43portmap
    #ls /etc/rc0.d/
    K10dropbear        K20busybox-udhcpc  K20psplash         K40networking
    K19avahi-daemon    K20dbus-1          K20syslog          S32portmap
    #ls /etc/rc6.d/
    K10dropbear        K20busybox-udhcpc  K20psplash         K40networking
    K19avahi-daemon    K20dbus-1          K20syslog          S32portmap
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