


Digital DNA

Added by John Mladenik about 14 years ago

Did you get a digital DNA value assigned for your FPGA's?

Replies (4)

RE: Digital DNA - Added by Michael Williamson about 14 years ago

Hi John,

We're still looking into this here (I wanted to at least get you some feedback that someone saw your post). The immediate answer is, "no we haven't specifically requested a DNA value be assigned".

We haven't used the Digital DNA feature here, yet. I have a call into our Xilinx distributor about the mechanics of getting them assigned, and at what granularity we can assign them, etc. The DNA is one shot (fuse based), so if you need a specific DNA coding we'll likely need to coordinate a custom build for you. I'll follow this up when I know more. Sorry for the delay.


RE: Digital DNA - Added by John Mladenik about 14 years ago

We do no need it on the MityDSP board I was just curious. We are using it on our PROBE FPGA. If you had one assigned it would give us the ability to verify it and confirm that the FPGA is a Critical Link FPGA, another level of security to prevent others from copying the design. It it not that important on the controller but is on our PROBE.


RE: Digital DNA - Added by Michael Williamson about 14 years ago

Stuff you probably already know, but:

According to our distributor, the Xilinx DNA code is unique per chip (like a serial number) and you cannot request codes, they are assigned and burned in at factory. You can access them using the Xilinx DNAPORT primitive and can add additional coding (like a key or PIN). this link has a simple view of how it works.

For info on the DNA, take a look at page 94 of the Spartan 6 libraries guide

It is also documented starting on page 63 of the Spartan 6 user's guide


RE: Digital DNA - Added by John Mladenik about 14 years ago

Yes but I think the range of the DNA value is assigned per customer so each customer has a unique set of values and no other companies can buy the FPGA with those values. At least this is how the Xilinx FAE explained it to me, this will be the first time I have ever used this feature. We are planning to use this as a verification so no one can copy our design. If the FPGA on the PRObe does not have the correct value we will not operate with it.

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