



From 12/02/2014 to 12/31/2014


01:11 PM Support: RE: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
Ah, ok well that explains it! No problem, just good to know what is happening.
Kyle McKinney
12:50 PM Support: RE: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
There is a 20 count bias in the data. It's a bug in the mode you are using.
During calibrated high/low gain blend...
Michael Williamson
12:38 PM Support: RE: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
I use MATLAB to look at and process the data. Knowing that the data is packed into the lower 11 helps answers my ques... Kyle McKinney


08:04 AM Support: RE: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
Hi Kyle,
Are you using XCAP (the epix frame grabber) or MityViewer to look at the data?
When you switch to sing...
Michael Williamson


04:51 PM Support: Source Code for Camera Link Control Panel
Would it be possible to get the code behind this program?
I would like to be able to include the functionality of t...
Kyle McKinney
04:47 PM Support: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
I am having issues using 16bit mode with any gain mode other than combine.
Data is transmitted but no matter the li...
Kyle McKinney

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