From 12/02/2014 to 12/31/2014
- 01:11 PM Support: RE: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
- Ah, ok well that explains it! No problem, just good to know what is happening.
Kyle - 12:50 PM Support: RE: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
- There is a 20 count bias in the data. It's a bug in the mode you are using.
During calibrated high/low gain blend... - 12:38 PM Support: RE: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
- I use MATLAB to look at and process the data. Knowing that the data is packed into the lower 11 helps answers my ques...
- 08:04 AM Support: RE: High/Low gain mode issue using 16bpp
- Hi Kyle,
Are you using XCAP (the epix frame grabber) or MityViewer to look at the data?
When you switch to sing...
- Would it be possible to get the code behind this program?
I would like to be able to include the functionality of t... - I am having issues using 16bit mode with any gain mode other than combine.
Data is transmitted but no matter the li...
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