


Sample Project Debug

At this point the "readsysid" application should have been built through the Eclipse project.

  1. The application built for the MitySOM-5CSE ARM processor is named "main" and should now reside in the project directory:

    user@MitySOM-Dev:~/projects/mitysom_5cse_dev_board/dev_exp_5cse_l2_3y8_base/software/readsysid$ ls
    aclocal.m4    INSTALL  sysid.o
    AUTHORS         config.log     main         NEWS         sysid_regs.h
    autom4te.cache  config.status  main.cpp     README
    build-aux       configure      main.o       stamp-h1
    ChangeLog   Makefile     sysid.cpp
    config.h        COPYING  sysid.h
  2. Ensure that your module/development kit has the module powered on, serial port connected, Ethernet port connected and that it has an IP address as we will transfer the application using SCP over the Ethernet interface.
    On the serial port of the module/dev kit ensure that the module has an IP address, modules/dev kits use DHCP by default.
    root@mitysom-5csx:~# ifconfig
    eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 40:d8:55:17:c1:75
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              inet6 addr: fe80::42d8:55ff:fe17:c175/64 Scope:Link
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:873221 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
              TX packets:142 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
              collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
              RX bytes:67350388 (64.2 MiB)  TX bytes:29024 (28.3 KiB)

    In this case our module is located at
  3. Transfer the application (main) to the module/dev kit's /home/root/ directory using SCP from your Virtual Machine (host PC) where the project was built in Eclipse.
    user@MitySOM-Dev:~/projects/mitysom_5cse_dev_board/dev_exp_5cse_l2_3y8_base/software/readsysid$ scp ./main root@
    main                                          100%   17KB  17.1KB/s   00:00 
  4. Ensure that the module has been programmed with the FPGA image for the MitySOM-5CSE module to support the readsysid example.
  5. Execute the application on the "target" MitySOM-5CSE module. The output should be similar to the following.
    root@mitysom-5csx:~# ./main
    FPGA SYSID - 00000003 : Wed Nov 12 21:14:50 2014
  6. Now we will run the application using GDB Server to allow our Host VM to allow Eclipse to connect for remote debug.
    root@mitysom-5csx:~# gdbserver :12345 ./main
    Process ./main created; pid = 291
    Listening on port 12345
  7. We will now setup a remote debug configuration in Eclipse. Right-click on the project and select "Debug As" and then "Debug Configurations".
  8. Make a "New" debug configuration by Right-clicking on the C/C++ Remote Application option and name it "MitySOM-5CSE Remote"
  9. Choose the "Select other" option at the bottom to use a "GDB (DSF) Manual Remote Debugging Launcher"
  10. In the "Debugger" tab set the GDB debugger as shown (/opt/poky/1.5.4/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gdb):

    Note that previously for the Altera Embedded toolchain the entry was /home/user/altera/14.1/embedded/host_tools/mentor/gnu/arm/baremetal/bin/arem-altera-eabi-gdb
  11. Finally set the "Connection" tab of the "Debugger" tab so that the Type is TCP, the address is that of your module ( and the port number of 12345. Now press the "Debug" button to begin debugging. You may be prompted to switch to the "Debug View", select OK.
  12. Once Eclipse connects to the module it's serial port should show the following output:
    Remote debugging from host
  13. In the Eclipse debugger select the "Resume" button to allow the application to execute on the remote target (module).
  14. The following should now be printed on the modules serial port.
    FPGA SYSID - 00000003 : Wed Nov 12 21:14:50 2014
    Child exited with status 0
    GDBserver exiting
  15. You can now restart the GDBserver and application on the target module and begin using breakpoints and other debug features within Eclipse on the Host VM.

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