


MitySOM-5CSx Baseboard SOC Wiki Page

The MitySOM-5CSx Development Kit includes either a MitySOM-5CSX module or MitySOM-5CSE module and baseboard as well as the required accessories. Please see The Critical Link website for top level summaries of this platform.

Errata and Product Change Notifications for the MitySOM-5CSx Baseboard can be found in the Hardware Design section of this wiki.

Start Here - Development Support

This section includes some of our more generic getting started information for new MitySOM-5CSx Development Kit users. Please note that our MitySOM-5CSx Module Wiki contains a lot of additional information about the module.

SW/FPGA Getting Started Guides

Hardware Design


Please refer to the MitySOM-5CSX Module Wiki for more information.

System Design

Please refer to the MitySOM-5CSX Module Wiki for more information.


Please refer to the MitySOM-5CSX Module Wiki for more information.


Updated over 5 years ago by Zachary Miller

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