


Building FPGA 23.1


The provided FPGA images are given as a reference to how the FPGA can be used in unison with the HPS. The FPGA design heavily uses Qsys for connecting functional blocks together and contains the following Qsys blocks:
  • sysid_qsys - System ID Peripheral - This basic block stores a 32 Bit system ID and the date the FPGA was built that can be read from the HPS.
  • hsmc_out_0 - PIO - This is a parallel I/O block that is connected to part of the full HSMC Connector.
  • hsmc_out_1 - PIO - This is a parallel I/O block that is connected to part of the full HSMC Connector.
  • hsmc_in_0 - PIO - This is a parallel I/O block that is connected to part of the full HSMC Connector.
  • hsmc_in_1 - PIO - This is a parallel I/O block that is connected to part of the full HSMC Connector.
  • fpga_ddr - DDR3 SDRAM Controller with UniPHY - This is the DDR controller for the DDR RAM that is attached to the FPGA, in the example it is then routed to the HPS so the HPS can access it from the HPS-to-FPGA AXI Bridge.
  • clk_100Mhz - Clock Source - Allows for inputting the CLK2DDR signal into the Qsys.
  • mm_clock_crossing_bridge - Avalon-MM Clock Crossing Bridge - Lets the HPS-to-FPGA bridge, running at 100Mhz, talk to the FPGA DDR Controller, running at 150Mhz.

The project also uses the Altera Source and Probe block for controlling signals on the partial HSMC connector for debug purposes. More information can be found at


The reference project to the MitySOM-5CSx Development Kit utilizes GNU make for building the FPGA from the command line. Please note that the project can be built using the normal flow of Quartus/Platform Designer if that is desired.

These instructions have been tested with Quartus Prime 23.1
Tested host machine: Ubuntu 22.04.3


Description Repository Branch Web Viewer
Quartus Reference Project 23.1-stable gitweb

Checking out the repo

The reference projects are on Critical Link's git server, run the following command to clone the repo:

git clone -b 23.1-stable

Repository Structure

├── dev_5cse_h4_3ya [MitySOM 5CSE-H4-3YA Reference Project]
├── dev_5cse_h4_8ya [MitySOM 5CSE-H4-83YA Reference Project]
├── dev_5cse_l2_3y8 [MitySOM 5CSE-L2-3Y8 Reference Project]
├── dev_5csx_h5_4ya [MitySOM 5CSX-H5-4YA Reference Project]
├── dev_5csx_h6_42a [MitySOM 5CSX-H6-42A Reference Project]
├── dev_5csx_h6_42a_pcie [MitySOM 5CSX-H6-42A PCIe Reference Project]
├── dev_5csx_h6_4ya [MitySOM 5CSX-H6-4YA Reference Project]
├── dev_5csx_h6_53b [MitySOM 5CSX-H6-53B Reference Project]

Development Kit Pre-built Outputs

Models SD Card Image FPGA/Bootloaders Binaries
5CSE-H4-3YA 5CSE-H4-3YA SD Card 5CSE-H4-3YA Binaries
5CSE-H4-8YA 5CSE-H4-8YA SD Card 5CSE-H4-8YA Binaries
5CSE-L2-3Y8 5CSE-L2-3Y8 SD Card 5CSE-L2-3Y8 Binaries
5CSX-H5-4YA 5CSX-H5-4YA SD Card 5CSX-H5-4YA Binaries
5CSX-H6-42A 5CSX-H6-42A SD Card 5CSX-H6-42A Binaries
5CSX-H6-4YA 5CSX-H6-4YA SD Card 5CSX-H6-4YA Binaries
5CSX-H6-53B 5CSX-H6-53B SD Card 5CSX-H6-53B Binaries

Quick steps to Build

  1. Launch the Intel Embedded Command Shell.

    Press start button and enter SoC EDS 23.1 Command Shell
  2. Change into the directory where project was cloned into (Example: /home/user/mitysom-5csx)
    cd /home/user/mitysom-5csx
  3. Run the following command that will do the following: 1. Generate the qsys, 2. Compile the FPGA, 3. Convert the SOF to an RBF
    make rbf

Updating the Pinout

Opening Platform Designer and Quartus

The Makefile can also be used open Quartus or Platform designer.

Opening Quartus:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Enter the following command that will allow you to use the quartus tools from the command line:
  3. Open the current project with Quartus with the Makefile
     make quartus_edit

Opening Platform Designer:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Enter the following command that will allow you to use the quartus tools from the command line:
  3. Open the current project's top level qsys with Platform Designer with the Makefile
     make qsys_edit

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