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Alter Ethernet MAC
Added by Mostafa Afgani about 10 years ago
Hi, is it possible to alter the 'burned-in' MAC address of an L138F? I know that I can change it using 'ifconfig eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX' once Linux is up and running but was wondering if it's possible to make this change persistent and active early in the boot process (so hopefully a solution other than a low numberd rc script).
Replies (3)
RE: Alter Ethernet MAC - Added by Jonathan Cormier about 10 years ago
We store the mac address on a eeprom on the SoM. The settings stored on this can be accessed using the factoryconfig command in U-boot. Beware that you can brick the SOM if you change some of the other fields.
U-Boot > factoryconfig Factory Configuration: Config Version : 1.1 MAC Address : 00:50:C2:E6:76:74 Serial Number : 120189 FPGA Type : 4 [XC6SLX45] Part Number : L138-FI-225-RC U-Boot > help factoryconfig factoryconfig - mitydsp-l138 factory config block operations Usage: factoryconfig - print current configuration factoryconfig set - set new configuration factoryconfig save - write new configuration to I2C FLASH
RE: Alter Ethernet MAC - Added by Michael Williamson about 10 years ago
You might also try this technique, though I am not sure if the current version of the 3.2 kernel has this command line option implemented:
RE: Alter Ethernet MAC - Added by Mostafa Afgani about 10 years ago
Thanks Jonathan, that's exactly what I was after.