


xmlrpc libs for application

Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Hi, We have a need to build one of our custom C based apps for the MityDSP L138. It requires libxmlrpc_server and libxmlrpc_util, etc to build against. I cannot locate an libxml*.so in the MDK or in the ti-dvsdk either so it's probably not a std include. Do you have any instructions or can point me to how to cross build a source package for these shared libs? Also we'd prefer std Makefiles instead of an Ellipse based project. Are there any std example Makefiles in the MDK we could start with?

Hope this makes sense. Thanks, Tom

Replies (13)

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Hi Jonathan, Thanks that's going to get me started. Regs, Tom

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Hi, I was looking for opkg-target which is part of the MDK, where would it be? BTW, I am not using the VM on Windows but host natively on a Linux box to develop on. Thanks, Tom

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Some additional detail, have been using the Jan-2014 based MDK for the kernel work to this point, however it doesn't have the oe template. The other MDK I have is MDK_2011-03-31, which does. If I was going to install Open Embedded which MDK should I be using? Tom


Current : Jan-2014 Board Support Pacakge, linux self extractinge .run file
OLD: Dec-2013 Board Support Package, linux self extracting .run file
OLD : May-2013 Board Support Package, linux self extracting .run file
OLD : Aug-2012 Board Support Package, linux self extracting .run file
OLD : Mar-2012 Board Support Package, linux self extracting .run file
OLD : Dec-2011 Board Support Package, linux self extracting .run file
OLD : Jul-2011 Board Support Package, linux self extracting .run file
OLD : Mar-2011 Board Support Package, linux self extracting .run file
OLD : Oct-2010 Board Support Package, bzip2 compressed tarball

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Bob Duke over 6 years ago

Hi Tom, I'm not sure I entirely understand what you are trying to accomplish, but let me start with giving you a few pointers:

Our newest MDK is based on the Yocto project and it can be found under the files tab (Release 2018.04). As part of that release, all of the Yocto files used to create that build are available as described in the README. That said, re-creating that environment is not a trivial task.

If you just want to compile and use libxml, you should be able to install the toolchain and compile from source as previously described. Then, you can manually install the library in the filesystem.

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Hi Bob, So the link Jonathan posted was helpful with our task of building xmlrpc from source. However I am a bit confused WRT OpenEmbedded Classic, OpenEmbedded core. So the MDK we are using has the Angstrom version below. Which one is this (classic or core) and what is the best link to look at for the original sources to it? We have flashed our target with mityomap-full.jffs2 dated 2014-01-13.

HOST:~$ cat ./MDK_2014-01-13/filesys/etc/angstrom-version
Angstrom v2012.05 (Core edition)
Built from branch: denzil
Revision: d7bf94647f17c0382caad8af0bdda837b14b22dc
Target system: arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi

BTW, the topic of the fs was initially discussed earlier here.

Anyway, the path of least resistance has been to typically match source releases (in this case xmlrpc) with the rootfs version one is working with, so the specific history of what we're on is important to know. There always seems to be additional dependencies to deal with beyond the immediate sources.

BTW, I've also been working thru this page

My 2014 MDK doesn't appear to have the oe directory or the templates as outlined here

#bash> cd ${MDK}/sw/ARM/linux/oe

and this link is broken

#bash> wget

I can't find the exe below.


Hope this makes sense. Regs, Tom

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 6 years ago

Tom, the open embedded instructions are unlikely to work. They are at least 6 years out of date and I believe most of the urls required have disappeared.

I updated the wiki page to state this. Let us know if you are interested in building your filesystem from scratch, because if so we recommend using the new Yocto MDK which is currently under development.

I believe we do have access to the outputs from the original Angstrom OpenEmbedded build. I've attached a list of all the sources that were downloaded for the old open embedded build incase thats what your looking for...

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Hi Jonathan, Thanks for the status. Yea I poked around and couldn't readily find links to sources either. I will take a shot at a few things here 1st. So with the Yocto MDK is it the same kernel version? Regs, Tom

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago


Hope someone can assist with the following questions. I need to install some packages on the host build system here and have been following this link as to how.

It says

"The MityDSP-L138 SDK includes the cross tools as well as a copy of a program "opkg-target". opkg-target must be run as root on your host, and essentially behaves the same way as "opkg" on the target machine, except that it will install libraries and/or headers and/or source code in the "/usr/local/angstrom/arm/" path of your linux build host. This will then allow you to compile and link against libraries pre-built for your target machine (the ARM 9)."

I cannot find "opkg-target" anywhere in the MDK 2014, or on the host machine.

Also what is the kernel version in the Yocto based MDK?

Thanks, Tom

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Bob Duke over 6 years ago

Tom Riddle wrote:


I cannot find "opkg-target" anywhere in the MDK 2014, or on the host machine.

Tom, I'm sorry, but that documentation is out-of-date relative to our latest Yocto-based releases.

If you look at the latest MDK, 2018.04, you see a README with a link to the sources and setup files used to create the Yocto-based filesystem.

Also what is the kernel version in the Yocto based MDK?

The Yocto-based MDK is still based on kernel 3.2.

That said, what packages are you trying to add to the filesystem? If Yocto recipes exist for those packages, I could try to create them for you.

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

Hi Bob,

So I first took a shot at building xmlrpc with the Angstrom 2012.5 rootfs. Have pulled a version of the code that around the time period and got it configured but it's needs curl. From the target I see that curl is an available pkg, so is there a way I can figure out how to use the opkg manager for the host side? Thanks, Tom

root@mityomapl138:~# opkg list | grep curl
curl - 7.24.0-r2 - curl version 7.24.0-r2
curl-dbg - 7.24.0-r2 - curl version 7.24.0-r2 - Debugging files
curl-dev - 7.24.0-r2 - curl version 7.24.0-r2 - Development files
curl-doc - 7.24.0-r2 - curl version 7.24.0-r2 - Documentation files
curl-staticdev - 7.24.0-r2 - curl version 7.24.0-r2 - Development files (Static)
libcurl-dev - 7.24.0-r2 - curl version 7.24.0-r2
libcurl-doc - 7.24.0-r2 - curl version 7.24.0-r2
libcurl5 - 7.24.0-r2 - curl version 7.24.0-r2

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Jonathan Cormier over 6 years ago

I'm not sure the opkg-target command works or exists anymore. You could with some effort, install the curl libraries on your l138. Then copy them back to your host machine into the correct sysroot location.

RE: xmlrpc libs for application - Added by Tom Riddle over 6 years ago

ok, that may be the path of least resistance at this point, thanks for the quick response, Regs, Tom

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