


Interrupt to ARM side

Added by Pankaj Pailwar about 13 years ago


I want to generate an interrupt from the FPGA to ARM side of the MityDSP-L138/F board. Is there any example available for doing that and how to make the application aware of the interrupt.

With regards

Replies (1)

RE: Interrupt to ARM side - Added by Michael Williamson about 13 years ago

Hello Mr. Pailwar,

On the board support package/MDK, in the file sw/ARM/linux/drivers/fpga/fpga_ctrl.c there is some example code of handling interrupts from 2 pins that our framework uses for letting the FPGA interrupt the ARM. We use GP6_12 and GP6_13 as GPIO pins (connected to the FPGA) as interrupt lines from the FPGA to the OMAP-L138/AM-1808 device. The framework is a little involved in that we allow chaining/sharing of interrupts onto the same pins, you could probably ignore most of that.

You could follow a similar approach with any other pin connected between the FPGA and the OMAP-L138 that can be configured as a GPIO, or design your FPGA code into the FPGA framework in the BSP.

Pushing interrupt status up to the application level is a little tricky. You could try to support a user space driver (I've not done that), or provide a message from a character device interface (e.g., your app could select() on a device file for read or error status and have your driver wake it up when the interrupt occurs). Sorry for the vague response. Not entirely sure what you need.


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