


Mity L138F FPGA -> OMAP interrupt lines

Added by Christopher Brunson about 10 years ago

I was trying to use an FPGA interrrupt which should be serviced by the DSP core in the OMAP.

From the MityL138.ucf I have the following FPGA pins:

NET "o_int[1]" LOC = F2;
NET "o_int[0]" LOC = K6;
NET "o_nmi_n"  LOC = N8;

Should these pins be IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 or LVCMOS18?

So far what I think the OMAP interrupt pins are:

INT0 -> GP6[12] -> R16
INT1 -> GP6[13] -> R17
NMI  -> J17

I couldn't find the order in which the FPGA pins are mapped to the pins on the OMAP.

What pins/interrupts do the FPGA pins

map to on the OMAP?

Is it

o_int[1](F2) -> INT0(GP6_12)
o_int[0](K6) -> INT1(GP6_13)
or the other way around?


Chris B.

Replies (4)

RE: Mity L138F FPGA -> OMAP interrupt lines - Added by Michael Williamson about 10 years ago

Hi Chris,

The information you need is in Table 4 of the Carrier Board Design Guide.


RE: Mity L138F FPGA -> OMAP interrupt lines - Added by Christopher Brunson about 10 years ago

Thanks Mike,

I have found the pin mapping for INT0 and INT1 I couldn't find the mapping for the Non Maskable Interrupt (NMI) pin in the table. I also couldn't find the IOSTANDARD to use the interrupt pins.

Chris B.

RE: Mity L138F FPGA -> OMAP interrupt lines - Added by Alexander Block over 9 years ago


Hopefully you happened upon this on your own but the details for the pin-configuration, voltage standards, can be found in the sample .ucf files we provide in the MDK BSP (

From that file:

NET "o_nmi_n" LOC = "N8" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 ;
NET "o_int<0>" LOC = "K6" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;
NET "o_int<1>" LOC = "F2" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS18;

RE: Mity L138F FPGA -> OMAP interrupt lines - Added by Christopher Brunson over 9 years ago

Hi Alex,

I was using MDK_2012-03-12 and in the included UCF the IO standard on those pin was different:

NET "o_nmi_n" LOC = "N8" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "o_int<0>" LOC = "K6" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "o_int<1>" LOC = "F2" | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;

I think the confusion was coming from the fact that I was using an old version of the MDK which had different IO standards setup for those pins.


Chris B.

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