


ADC reference voltage details

Added by Raja Vankam almost 13 years ago


We are in the process of designing signal conditioning circuitry for ADC. Could please let us know what is ADC reference voltage.

I couldnt get quite well this info from the data sheet.


Replies (2)

RE: ADC reference voltage details - Added by Michael Williamson almost 13 years ago

Hi Raja,

The AIN[0:7] ADC reference voltages are set by VREFN and VREFP of the AM3359. Those pins are brought out to the edge connector (pins 176 and 178) and are direct connects to the AM3359 (there are some bypass caps to AGND on the board). You can set the VREFN and VREFP to your application requirements as long as you stay within the specifications of the AM3359. The VDDA_ADC is connected to a 1.8V supply.

Is this what you are looking for?


RE: ADC reference voltage details - Added by Raja Vankam almost 13 years ago

Hi Mike,

Does that mean giving the analog input as as maximum produces 4095 value?

Shall i assume maximum ADC input voltage as 1.8V?


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