


Qt Starter Guide 2020

This guide will step you through setting up and running a simple Qt Gui Application on your MitySOM-335x system.


  • Make sure you have a VM installed.
    • We currently recommend Desktop Ubuntu lts 18.04 64bit, as it has most of the requisite programs.
  • August 20 2020 MDK .sh file in your hostsystem

Setup MDK

  • Copy the MDK .sh file into the VM
  • Inside the VM, open a terminal and make the file executable
    chmod +x
  • Install the MDK into the VM

Setup QtCreator

  • Install QtCreator
    sudo apt install qtcreator
  • Install the necessary libraries and compilers
    sudo apt install build-essential
  • Finally, install Qt5
    sudo apt install qt5-default

Once this is done, QtCreator can be started through the Ubuntu UI.

Setup CMake

  • Install CMake
    sudo apt-get install cmake

Setting Up the Kit

  • Open Qt Creator, Note that this guide was written using Qt Creator version 4.5.2 as installed by apt from the default Ubuntu repositories. If you are using a different version of Qt Creator, some of the settings or configurations screens may be different. Please contact Critical Link if you have difficulties applying these instructions to your version of Qt Creator.
  • Go to the Tools -> Options... menu and select "Build and Run" from the left options and then select the "Qt Versions" tab that is shown.
  • Click the "Add..." button. Navigate to <MDK path>/sysroots/i686-clsdk-linux/usr/bin/ and click on qmake
    Adding Qt version to QtC
  • Select the Compilers tab. Click on Add -> GCC -> C. Navigate to <MDK path>/sysroots/i686-clsdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-criticallink-linux-gnueabi/ and select arm-criticallink-linux-gnueabi-gcc. Give it an easily recognizable name, as we will need it later.
  • Click Add again, but this time select GCC -> C++. Navigate to <MDK path>/sysroots/i686-clsdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-criticallink-linux-gnueabi/ and select arm-criticallink-linux-gnueabi-g++. Give this one a recognizable name as well.
    Adding the compiler to QtC
  • Select the Debuggers tab. Click on Add and give the new debugger an easily recognizable name. Click on browse next to path and navigate to <MDK path>/sysroots/i686-clsdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-criticallink-linux-gnueabi/ and select arm-criticallink-linux-gnueabi-gdb
    Adding the debugger to QtC
  • Select the Compilers tab. Confirm that CMake is under Auto-detected. If it is not, click Add and then click newly-created NewCMake under Manual. Change the name to CMake and the path to /usr/bin/cmake.
    Adding CMake to QtC. May not be needed.
  • Select Devices from the left options. Under the Devices tab, click on Add... and select Generic Linux Device. Choose a name, and enter the IP address of the devkit and root as the username, leaving password blank. If the test fails, you will not be able to deploy into the devkit from QtCreate.
    Creating a device for QtC
  • Return to Build and Run in the left options and navigate to the Kits tab. Click on Add and fill in the options with the components from previous steps. For Sysroot, navigate to and select <MDK path>/sysroots/cortexa8t2hf-neon-criticallink-linux-gnueabi/.
    Creating a kit for QtC
  • Click OK to return to the Welcome page.

Building and Compiling the GUI

  • In the Welcome page click on new project.
  • Choose Qt Widgets Application and click Next
    HelloWorld Step1
  • Give the project a name "HelloWorld" and press browse next to Create in, to create a new folder "projects"
    HelloWorld Step2
  • In Kit selection, select the kit created the previous steps. Keep desktop selected so you can run and test the program in the VM.
  • Continue to click next and then finish.
  • Expand the project source tree and inside 'Forms' double-click on 'mainwindow.ui. This will open the Design view.
    HelloWorld Step3
  • Drag and drop a 'Line Edit' Input Widget from the left hand pane onto the central pane.
    HelloWorld Step4
  • Click on the 'Edit' in the left hand column of Qt Creator.
  • In the project source tree, double-click on 'mainwindow.cpp' in the 'Sources' directory.
    HelloWorld Step5
  • Add 'ui->lineEdit->insert("Hello World!");' to the MainWindow class constructor.
    HelloWorld Step6

Running the GUI on the MitySOM-335x from QtCreator

  • While on the project, click the Edit button on the left
  • add the following lines to
    TARGET = Test
    target.files = Test
    target.path = /home/root
    INSTALLS += target

Manually Building the project for ARM

If Qt Creator is having issues building, you can run the steps yourself. Otherwise, the QTCreator built files are usually found in the project folder in a folder named "build-<Kit Name>-debug"

  • Open a terminal
    source <MDK path>/environment-setup-cortexa8hf-neon-criticallink-linux-gnueabi
  • Navigate to the project directory
    cd projects/HelloWorld
  • Run qmake to allow Qt to generate a Makefile
  • Run make to build the project
  • The compiled file will be HelloWorld. Use the file command to verify it was build for ARM
    > file HelloWorld
    HelloWorld: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, not stripped
  • Transfer file to the devkit. Replace <ip address> with ip of device. This will place the file in the home directory: /home/root/
    scp HelloWorld root@<ip address>:

Running the GUI on the MitySOM-335x

  • Run the application from the devkit
    root@mityarm-335x ~ $ ./HelloWorld -platform linuxfb

QT Tips

Easier cross platform builds

Placing the following in your projects .pro file allows for easier development of your application for running on both your PC and 335x.

contains(QT_ARCH,arm) {
    CONFIG += arm # Add arm so we can use arm {}

It allows you to use #ifdef HOST_ARM in your code around sections that can't run on your PC. For example code that touches the gpio.

The "CONFIG += arm" line allows you to easily specify configurations in your .pro file that only apply when cross compiling. Example:

arm {
    SOURCES += arm_only_code.cpp

Have application show up full screen on 335x

  • Add the following to the main window constructor. Assumes you've included the above tip.
    #ifdef HOST_ARM
        this->setFixedSize(800,480);  // Set this to expected screen resolution

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