


Specification TPS power sully design inthe AM3359 carrier board

Added by ABDUL SALAM almost 13 years ago

Could you please send me the Specification TPS power sully design inthe AM3359 carrier board.


Replies (5)

RE: Specification TPS power sully design inthe AM3359 carrier board - Added by Alexei Shkurko almost 13 years ago

Hi Salam,

the SOM module requires 3.3V input voltage with up to 1Amp input current, our Dev Kit board based on TPS5430 IC to generate 3.3V supply, the input cicrcuit can handle up to 20V as we are using MOSFET for reverse polarity protection


RE: Specification TPS power sully design inthe AM3359 carrier board - Added by ABDUL SALAM almost 13 years ago

Hi alexi,
as per your Carrier board design guidline,the Typical input voltage of the SOM module is 5v, so we are planning to give 5v ,0.7A supply to SOM module( coz we are usuing 5V for some other section also)
And for all peripharals we are giving 3.3 v,, so Can use the same power supply circuit from your carrier board

RE: Specification TPS power sully design inthe AM3359 carrier board - Added by ABDUL SALAM almost 13 years ago

gentile reminder for the above question

RE: Specification TPS power sully design inthe AM3359 carrier board - Added by ABDUL SALAM almost 13 years ago

gentile reminder for the above question

RE: Specification TPS power sully design inthe AM3359 carrier board - Added by Michael Williamson almost 13 years ago

Hi Salam,

If you are asking if you can use our reference DevKit 3.3V supply design to power other 3.3V devices, then answer is likely "yes" assuming you are providing the same input voltage capabilities to the supply as are supplied on our DevKit mainboard. Perhaps if you sent a sketch of your supply design (we can do this offline via email if you like) it would be easier for us to review?


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