MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access
Added by Bhardwaj Kotha 8 months ago
Hi all, I am working on a project where two ethernet interfaces, are connected through PL fabric, using GMII to RGMIIConvertor Core which converts RGMII to SGMII and HPS EMAC Interface Splitter Core. Here the emac signals connected to HPS emac0 and emac1 similar to this. Here I wanted to access the ethernet data in PL itself, I do not want to route through HPS. For that out of these signals mac_txd, mac_txen, mac_txer, mac_rxdv, mac_rxer, mac_rxd, mac_col, mac_crs, mac_speed, only control signals like mac_col,mac_crs and mac_speed are connected to HPS, and accessing the mac_rxd data based on max_rxdv nad mac_rxer and performing project specific operations on the data and giving it to mac_txd, mac_txen and mac_txer of second ethernet. I am able to send and receive the data. Is there any better approach. Thank you.
Replies (16)
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Daniel Vincelette 8 months ago
If you want to intergate the data inside the FPGA instead of having the HPS involved you could look into using Altera's Triple Speed Ethernet MAC: This is a soft MAC core that replaces the MAC in the HPS and allows for your FPGA logic to control the MAC.
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Bhardwaj Kotha 8 months ago
I donot have much resources, as my application need more resources, I wanted to use HPS EMAC. And I am not going to implement any other IP layers, I just modify the data part and forward on the other port. For this, I have made emac0 and emac1 of HPS external (by double clicking in platform designer) along with two instances of rgmii splitter conduit signals which are connected to emac0 and emac1 of HPS made external. And these signals in top module connected accordingly, like input signal of HPS emac are assigned with output of rgmii splitter mac signal and vice versa. With this I am getting 60% packet loss in ping, where as if they are connected in platform designer ping is working fine with 0% packet loss. Why so. How can I resolve it. Once this is proved, I wanted to work on txd_o,txen_o,and txer_o signals of rgmii splitter, like modifying the data part of MAC frame and generating the CRC and so on.
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Daniel Vincelette 8 months ago
For the case that you are seeing 60% packet lose, what did you change in the reference FPGA project that was supplied in the bnet_mps project? Also have you verified that your project is meeting timing?
Best regards,
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Bhardwaj Kotha 8 months ago
i had made HPS and emac Splitter Conduit signals to external in Platform Designer and I had assigned that conduit signals properly in top Module accordingly like, hps_0_emac0_phy_txd_o to rgmiib_emac_phy_txd_o and for that reference, please the find the attached screenshots of how i had assigned that signals in top module, with this connections i am facing packet loss in ping operation. What further steps may i take to resolve this packet loss issue. Once this is proved, I wanted to work on txd_o,txen_o,and txer_o signals of rgmii splitter, like modifying the data part of MAC frame and generating the CRC and so on with the data .
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Daniel Vincelette 8 months ago
It sounds like you are on edge for timing so please verify that your design meets timing via TimeQuest in Quartus. Also when you used the provided reference project you did not see this packet lose, correct?
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Bhardwaj Kotha 8 months ago
with the provided reference project there is no packet loss but there are timing errors (screenshots attached) even after modified the reference project, as we said in first query, we observed similar timing errors with the same hold time violation. And this hold time violation is coming from HPS GMII to RGMII Converter intel FPGA IP. How can i Resolve this one?
IMG_8679.jpeg (4.32 MB) IMG_8679.jpeg | |||
IMG_8677.jpeg (5.47 MB) IMG_8677.jpeg |
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Daniel Vincelette 7 months ago
I have verified that the reference design does meet timing when built via the makefile (ie make rbf). The makefile removes 2 incorrectly autogenerated clock assignments for the MAC clocks. The following lines need to be deleted from dev_5cs/synthesis/submodules/dev_5cs_hps_0_fpga_interfaces.sdc (this files gets generated from Platform Designer):
create_clock -name emac0_tx_clk -period 10.0 [get_keepers {*|fpga_interfaces|peripheral_emac0~internal_clock}] -add create_clock -name emac1_tx_clk -period 10.0 [get_keepers {*|fpga_interfaces|peripheral_emac1~internal_clock}] -add
Please try to remove those line and see if you timing issue and poor ping performance goes away.
Best regards,
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Bhardwaj Kotha 7 months ago
Yeah, I am removed that two lines in dev_5cs/synthesis/submodules/dev_5cs_hps_0_fpga_interfaces.sdc, before updating this one i am getting 30-40% of packet loss in ping , as off now I am updated that one now i am getting 5-7% of packet loss in ping, but i am not getting 0% of packet loss in ping. And also i am observed in my reference FPGA project that was supplied in the bnet_mps project which is we discussed earlier in that project also have that two lines in this dev_5cs/synthesis/submodules/dev_5cs_hps_0_fpga_interfaces.sdc, but with that project i am not facing any packet loss in ping.
Please see the below lines present in my reference FPGA project that was supplied in the bnet_mps project sdc file path of dev_5cs/synthesis/submodules/dev_5cs_hps_0_fpga_interfaces.sdc with this i am not getting 0% packet loss in ping
create_clock -period 10.0 [get_pins -compatibility_mode |fpga_interfaces|clocks_resets|h2f_user0_clk]
create_clock -period 10.0 [get_pins -compatibility_mode *|fpga_interfaces|peripheral_emac0|gmii_mdc_o]
create_clock -name emac0_tx_clk -period 10.0 [get_keepers {|fpga_interfaces|peripheral_emac0~internal_clock}] -add
create_clock -period 10.0 [get_pins -compatibility_mode |fpga_interfaces|peripheral_emac1|gmii_mdc_o]
create_clock -name emac1_tx_clk -period 10.0 [get_keepers {|fpga_interfaces|peripheral_emac1~internal_clock}] -add
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Daniel Vincelette 7 months ago
For the reference project the makefile removes those lines from the sdc file before it does the build, if you aren't using the Makefile for doing the build then you need to manually delete those lines after running Platform Designer generate.
So it sounds like removing the create_clock contraints in dev_5cs_hps_0_fpga_interfaces.sdc helped improve your ping performance but you still are seeing packet lose. Can you please email your quartus project so I can take a look at it (email is I'm wondering if there still is a timing issue.
Thank you,
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Bhardwaj Kotha 7 months ago
Actually that timing issues were resolved and ping performance also well as of now without packet loss. And now I am working fine with RGMII splitter connected to the HPS EMAC of latency 2 microseconds in my setup, I want to understand the maximum allowable latency between the RGMII splitter and the HPS EMAC.
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Bhardwaj Kotha 3 months ago
I am working on enabling Jumbo Frames and need to increase the MTU size on the eth0, eth1, and br0 interfaces. While I was able to successfully update the MTU size for eth1 and br0, I encountered an issue with eth0. When attempting to bring the eth0 link down to modify its MTU size, the link is automatically brought back up, preventing me from making the change. Could you please advise on how to address this issue?
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Daniel Vincelette 2 months ago
The MTU question has already been addressed in the following thread: Please refer to that thread for more details.
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board Logic Utilization Issue - Added by Bhardwaj Kotha about 1 month ago
I am working on Data transmission from HPS to FPGA fabric, So i am used Avalon Memory Interface in Platform Designer. The issue is when i am not using that Avalon Memory interface it takes 10974/15880(69%) Logic Utilization(in ALMs), when i am adding that Avalon Memory interface in my Application its taking 16367/15880 (107%) Logic Utilization(in ALMs). Can you Please explain why its happening with Avalon Memory interface ?
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Michael Williamson about 1 month ago
The Quartus Platform designer adds logic between the AXI bridge (not sure which bridge you are using) and your Avalon Memory slave interfaces to account for the fact that the AXI interface is command / response vs. a more standard / typical Avalon bus interface. It will also include small FIFOs for buffering the data transactions between the AXI bus and your fabric IP.
If you have multiple slaves on the bus, it will also add arbitration logic as part of the interconnect.
If you are not using the same clock domains on your Avalon interface and the bridge interface, it will also add logic to deal with the clock crossing.
If your bus widths are not the same, it will add logic to account for the bus width / symbol width conversion.
Basically, the benefit of the interconnect being "simple" is added logic.
Is your interface read / write? Or just write, etc? What is the width? What bridge are you using?
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Bhardwaj Kotha 17 days ago
I am facing an issue with new Timing Error in my Project which that generated rbf file, it was not pinging and as well as the source System continuously sending ARP messages only without sending the Ping data ,but in two systems Ethernet link status is detected only. please find the Timing Error report screenshot.
Timming Error.JPG (364 KB) Timming Error.JPG |
RE: MitySOM-5csx custom board PL fabric ethernet access - Added by Daniel Vincelette 17 days ago
It looks like you have a signaltap in your design, which can make it hard to meet timing. I recommend that you remove it and try a build again. If that doesn't work then you'll need to use Timequest 's Worst Failing paths report to see what your failing timing.