


Hardware Design

Hardware Design Guidelines General information about designing your own baseboard
CAD Files and Information Information on available CAD files
Errata and Module Product Change Notifications Information on Errata and Module Product Change Notifications
Physical Issues
MXM Connector Information Information about the connecter used between the MitySOM-AM57X and the baseboard.
Power Supply and Heat Dissipation Information on power supply design and heat dissipation
Heat Spreader Reference Design Design data and drawings for reference MitySOM-AM57F heat spreaders
Mounting Hole Locations Information on SOM mounting hole placement
Shock and Vibration Information on shock and vibration
Clearance Beneath Module Information on clearance needed beneath the Module
Layout Issues
On-Module Trace Lengths Information regarding the On-Module trace lengths.
Setup Pinmux Information on how to set up pinmux settings
MitySOM-AM57X Pin-Out Spreadsheet Information about the MitySOM-AM57X pin-outs

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