


Code Composer Installation

WIP: Code composer currently 05/16/24 doesn't detect the GCC 11 toolchain used in SDK 09.01


Install Code Composer Studio for the development of ARM Cortex A53 MPU applications.

Summary of Steps

This is the summary of the steps involved.

  • Install the Processor Software development kit (SDK) for the AM62x.
  • Install the M4F/MCU Development which includes the base installation of Code Composer Studio.
  • Point Code Composer Studio to the cross-compiler for ARM Linux applications


Install the Processor Software Development kit (SDK) for the AM62x.

Follow the steps described in to install the Processor SDK.

Install the M4F/MCU Development which includes the base installation of Code Composer Studio.

Follow the steps as described in M4FMCU_Development

Point Code Composer Studio to the cross-compiler for ARM Cortex A52 Linux applications

  • Start Code Composer Studio. Any workspace will do. The settings changed here will be remembered for all workspaces used.
  • Windows->Preferences->Code Composer Studio->Build->Compilers
    • Press the Add... button next to the Tool discovery path list
    • Browse to the directory containing the Arm cross-compiler in the SDK. <sdk_include_path> will be something like $HOME/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xx-evm-
    • Press Open
    • In the Discovered tools list, there should be a new Arm entry for GNU v9.2.1 (null aarch64)
    • Press Apply and Close


Code Composer has been installed and is now ready for building and debugging examples for the ARM Linux environment.

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