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Docker Build Environment

Critical Link has created a Dockerfile for building software for the MitySOM-AM62 environment. Using Docker will give you a consistent Linux build environment that does not need to be manually configured and will not be affected by changes to your underlying OS.

  1. Check your Linux distribution's application library to ensure Docker is installed. Please use our forums if you have questions about installing Docker. If you are not running Linux on your host PC, we recommended installing Linux (e.g. Ubuntu 22.04LTS) inside a Virtual Machine (VM) and then you can run these commands inside that VM. NOTE: Our Makefile assumes that it is run as a local user. It should not be run with sudo. You will need to add your username to the docker group. Contact Critical Link for assistance if needed.
  2. Clone the git repository at;a=summary :
    git clone
  3. Change directory to the containers/am62xx directory:
    cd containers/am62xx
  4. Run make to build the docker image:
    • The generated Docker image runs with your current user/group id to help prevent permissions issues.
    • This step make take a few minutes the first time as the necessary files need to be downloaded and installed.
  5. The containers/am62xx/ file describes how to use the Docker image to build software. In addition, this wiki has links to instructions for building specific parts of the filesystem (kernel, U-Boot, etc.).

Troubleshooting Problems

If you have problems when running the make command, first try running the command docker info. If that command produces a permission error, you probably don't have your local username added to the docker group. If you just added your name to the docker group, please reboot your machine (don't just logout) and try re-running the docker info command.

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